What's New on the Web Site and on the Farm
Alex's 2009 Pups at 10 weeks. Can you pick out Willy?
The new BLOG
To read about the latest Happenings on the farm and view some photos please visit the new Blog. If you are new to blogs don't worry, so was I. It's easy. Just click on the link to get there. You can read and/or leave comments in each section and by clicking on a picture. You can now subscribe to the blog and receive an email when there is a new post. Cormo Blog Link
2012 Fleeces:
This year, 030's fleece will be shown at the Monterey Wool Show--His 2013 fleece will be sold at the auction on Labor Day.
Fleece Judging Monterey County Fair - Saturday, Aug. 17, 2013 - 9-4 Salinas room A relaxing day of learning and enjoy a pot-luck lunch Monterey County Fair
Handcrafted Judging Monterey County Fair - Sunday, Aug. 18,19, 2013 - - Lots of classes to enter and good prize money! Entries limited to certain counties but anyone can enter items made from fleeces purchased at the fleece auction. Monterey County Fair
Fleece Auction Monterey County Fair - Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2, 2013Open at10 through back gate for inspection, auction at 12:30 Monterey County Fair
Lambtown, Dixon, CA October 5, 2013 - A nice event in a convenient location I heard that they have web site issues.
Wool Show Results
Estes Park ,CO 2013
Cormo ewe
#1175 won the Grand Champion White fleece and Handspinner's Choice.
Congratulations Chendra Conklin, Estes Park, on your champion fleece purchase
fleece purchase and Signe Ostby, Woodside, CA, for purchasing the ewe.
Conklin, Estes Park, CO, won the Reserve Grand Champion Handspun skein with
Cormo wool and the Grand Champion Handspun skein with some silk.
A Shearing Day in Feb.
I thought this picture was nice because it showed so many things. This was taken on a shearing day in Feb. 2009. Holly is wearing a sweater knit with the old batch of the 3 ply Cormo yarn. Last year she found us on the internet. Her mother offered to knit her a sweater for her birthday and she wanted to use a special yarn that she could treasure for years. She tried out 1 skein of different types to see which she wanted to use for this project. These are city folks but last year she brought some of her family and they worked all day on shearing day and she bought the yarn for the sweater. What an awesome surprise! This year they came back for another day with the sheep and she was wearing this beautiful sweater. That is Holly’s husband petting Alex, the livestock guardian dog.
It's Lambing Time 2009
Since we are so low in rain this year and I’ve been too busy to keep the grass mowed in the yard I decided to sacrifice the roses and stretch my feed by letting the small group of the most pregnant sheep graze in the house yard. The white ewe just had this lamb. She just cleaned it up, let it have it’s first suck and they both are taking a needed rest. I can’t remember her name right now but she is young and this is her first lamb. The colored ewe hasn’t delivered yet. She is an older ewe Dinah and followed the young mother around all afternoon staying near by to lend support. A couple of hours later Dinah was off grazing with the rest of the flock again. I just couldn’t resist grabbing the camera when I saw them laying under the tree in full bloom. It reminds me how blessed I am.
Surprise It's Twins!
Satisfaction guaranteed on all purchases
Contact: wool@cormo.us